The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver

T'was early in 2006 that Andrew suggested (nay - insisted) we start a book club, and so the Billingsgate Book Club (BBC) was formed. I took on the role of secretary (I like that sorta thing, make a mean cuppa, have nice legs and can type) assembling a group of friends together at my place in Potts Point Sydney. We meet once a month, each taking a turn talking about a selected book, before discussion, sometimes heated debate and scores out of ten. Kevin Secretary General BBC see post 22 Dec ...
Everything is not illuminated...
Between delicious courses of Pork curry (with pineapple) and Mark’s Carmen Miranda birthday flan, the BBC dissected Bowling Pin Fire by Andy Quan. Nathalie, dissecting Belgian chocolates in
“A verbal compositi
Bowling Pin Fire (BPF) was devoid of meter and rhyme. Metaphor predominated with a pretext of recounting firsts: the first listening to a J
The BBC agreed that BPF burned well - it was a well written book of “reflexi
But alas, BPF didn’t rhyme and maybe didn’t manage to say everything that the author intended, for the BBC anyway. Was there inc
Scores were:
Kevin 7
Dennis 6
Andrew 5.5
Alena 6
Mark 6
Leannie 6
Average 6
Here are Denis’s thoughts (what’s “less than enthralling code for Dennis!):
Firstly I am more interested in prose than poetry, so c
I warmed up from the Aeroplane L
6 out of 10. Not bad, just of no great interest to me - nor indeed the material I wish to spend my time reading. Give me a novel next time please Mr Quan.
The next book will be The Lacuna, by Barbara Kingsolver, selected by Andy, who’s already sweating over what to cook.